even though

my time in this world

is closing I will love

the waning moon

and the cold bones

of trees

and old age

and shadows

on snow

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This is beautiful, Lynn!

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James, you are gentle and effective teacher of the spirit. Your fine poems are your path that you share with all of us. It is such a privilege. Thank you.

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Thank you, dear one. Your kind words honor me so much.

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Beautiful. Thank you James. I was praising my car heater as I drove to work this morning, warming my bones in the cold.

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Thanks, again.

As I age, I’ve come to see gratitude as less of a spontaneous feeling and more of a soul choice. If I wait to ‘feel’ grateful, my egoic mind will keep tossing up ‘reasons’ to be resentful, angry, afraid…anything to keep me separate and small. But if I cultivate a mindful presence practice, I create a space in which I can choose how to be, how to stand, how to respond. When I choose gratitude, I become more connected, receptive, appreciative. It’s a daily/momentary practice. Let’s keep this circle of gratitude and appreciation going and growing.

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I feel the same way. Poetry helps me to "choose gratitude" more often, showing me what's available right here when I pay attention. Very wise words, Bill!

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"A soul choice." I love this. It feels this way to me, too. Not a mental choice even, a soul choice and I think also a body choice.

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Love this, so much. And also, the Algarve is such a magical, beautiful place. Hope you and your husband enjoyed it thoroughly 🇵🇹

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Oh we enjoyed it very much. How wonderful to walk along the beach every day!

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Even though this, that,

so much more could be much worse.

How lucky we are!

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What a beautiful poem! "Kiss the cup of your strange and lucky life." Just gorgeous.

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Thank you, Lisa!

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Your honesty in the vicissitudes of life along with all that is “not wrong” as Thich Nhat Hahn says make me praise the poets! Thank you James! I’m thrilled the world has your newest anthology ! Thank you for your much needed medicine in these times .

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Thanks, James, for your words. They meet me on a day where my mood is better for the first time in weeks since a terrible fall and badly fractured ankle. I truly am grateful, what a relief.

I have a daily gratitude practice at the end of the day which I have been doing for ten years.

Lately, instead of writing down the words from a mental place, I have tried instead to feel the gratitude coming from my heart space. It takes work to move from the head to the heart.

I look forward to seeing how it feels tonight, as good feelings have been difficult to access in the past few weeks 🙏🏻💛✨

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wishing you a speedy recovery!

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I am grateful for you, James, and your loving example.

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Thank you. This was the perfect start to my day — a reminder to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with hope and gratitude.

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As a yoga teacher this is one of the greatest lessons I teach, and you teach best what you need to learn. The Divine Feminine hold us in her arms as we experience each day with whatever it brings. Thank you for this reminder!

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I owe so much to yoga teachers, who often share my poems during their sessions. Thank you!

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